Since September 2001, airport security has been a prominent area of concern that has attracted players and stakeholders from around the globe. Increased research and development, coupled with governmental policy changes, have been targeting increasing efficiency when it comes to security operations in airports. To increase the precision with which security operators can detect and prevent new threats, new technologies have been rolled out in the aviation industry.


CT Scanners

Computerized tomography scanners are installed in virtually every airport inlet and outlet. These CT scanners are particularly effective in helping to prevent dangerous goods and contraband items from entering airports and airplanes. CT scanners are often used in check-in gates where they are used to scan passengers and their luggage.


Behavior Profiling

The most recent additions to airport security has been the use of behavioral profiling technologies that are capable of detecting the slightest instances of abnormal behavioral responses. Travelers who exhibit such abnormalities in their behavior are monitored through specialized security cameras. These cameras focus on body gestures, movements, tonal variations, as well as posture to determine potential suspects.


Real-Time Geolocation

Large airports extend over millions of square feet. Such a large area can easily turn into a logistical nightmare for airport security operators who try to cover the entire area. To make their work easier, airport security guards are geotagged with GPS tracking devices. These devices enable security operators and controllers to visualize the spatial distribution of security personnel across the airport area.

Remote monitoring enables the security supervisors to issue specific instructions to particular security agents to ensure efficiency as far as enforcing security is concerned. For example, a security controller can visualize a given security threat in an area and thus raise the alarm to a nearby security agent so that the individual can take whatever immediate action is necessary.


Airport Security Internet of Things

Through the internet of things, airport security devices installed in various parts of the airport can share data with multiple other stations immediately. For instance, once security cameras identify a potentially suspicious character, mugshots and facial features can be documented and shared with the government database of persons for identification. This enables airport security operators to take accurate actions, such as arrests, without wasting time.

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