Over the past few months, airline companies around the world have been struggling to attract customers due to COVID-19. Understandably, customers have not wanted to take unnecessary risks; after all, being stuck inside a closed space with circulating air is not the most ideal place to practice social distancing. However, as summer approaches, many individuals want to visit family or take advantage of low air rates. Here is some information regarding flight preparedness in the era of COVID-19.


Planning & Packing

Many airlines are asking passengers to plan their trips through their apps. This is because airlines are taking steps to remove or turn off kiosks within the airport. That means all your information and even your ticket will be found and stored within your chosen airline app. In terms of packing, if you can, it is recommended to pack light in order to avoid having to check your bags and come in contact with more people. Make sure to pack disinfectant wipes to wipe down seats and meal tables. You will also be required by the airport and your airline to wear certain PPE such as a face mask, so it is important to pack multiple ones for long trips.


Keep Your Distance

Airports are not exactly the easiest place to practice social distancing. However, because of the shortage of people wanting to travel, you may be able to accomplish it. You should keep as much distance between you and other travelers throughout the process. If you’re picking up your ticket at the counter, please remain 6 feet away from the person in front of you. Keep practicing social distancing as you make your way to the security line. Stay 6 feet away from the TSA agent unless instructed to approach them. Lastly, sit as far away as you can from people at your gate. Don’t worry; your flight crew will announce boarding through a microphone.


Speak with Your Airline

Perhaps the best thing you can do to obtain some peace of mind as well as to be prepared is to speak with your chosen airline. Ask them what their procedures are and if anything is required from you. Getting information can save you a lot of hassle and perhaps make your trip that much safer.

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